Covered with beautiful iCe,
everyday i get an amazing surprise.
Angels around Me to complete my fantasies,
and I get along with them sharing all my stupidities.
Nobody here plays a gaMe,
and no one wants naMe an faMe.
No Competition , no Betrayal,
no one to hurt me and no one Lethal.
A Place where all my wishes come true
z My dReAmLaNd.......!!!!!!!!
My dream is real in my dreamland,
my beautiful house in the volatile sand.
In that house will preside My faMily..
A family U have never seen,
loving each other with a pure zeal.
will Then cum my dream MaN,
he will Love me beyond the LiMits,
and not make my feeling mere a TidBit.
A Place where all my wishes come true
z My dReAmLaNd.......!!!!!!!!