Monday, November 23, 2009

!!!!........The Lethal DisHearTenmenT........!!!!

I woke up ,it was 8 am,One the most beautiful mornings of my LiFe. It was my marriage anniversary plus her birthday and few months before only i came to know that my wife was expecting a child.
I came for a business deal and thought to take her with me for celebrating OUR day.
We were in a Hotel in MUMBAI.I opened my eyes and saw HER.
She was looking as beautiful as always.We hugged each other and shared the feeling which could merely be expressed by words.
I went back into the time when i proposed her for marriage and my life was all mine.We are inseparable and I can't wonder how much i love her.She means everything to me and now she's all mine.
I was supposed to go for my meeting and had a paln for Dinner afterwards. In the meanwhile,no doubt,she went for Shopping.

We enjoyed the dinner , went for a night walk and now back to Hotel.
Suddenly some noises started coming with very high intensity and the people stampeded in Terror.
YES! The expression was actually Terror.
There was a terrorist attack in the HoteL.
I was in Hotel TAJ,Mumbai : ROOM NU 2007.
People started rushing into their respective rooms.We also locked ourselves and sat in the room.My Wife was perspiring profusely.I tried to make her calm and promised to take her out of this scam.In hours,the news went to every corner of India and my mobile was struck with lots of calls from friends and family. But my first thought was to handle my wife. The main concern was to handle the minor Inside her. I prayed to god to lend me courage to save my entire wealth.

It was 1.00am ,and we were hearing firings continuously. All the electric lines were cut by the attackers. The dim light of the Moon was the only source for us.My LOVE was crying immensely in terror.It was a feeling i can't explain.
Suddenly, someone knocked the door,asking for help.We first thought not to open the door or go close,but then we thought to do the same.We went near and someone said "daro mat hum hai,NSG commandos".With a sigh of relief i opened the door with great courage.

It was 3.27am. WE were amongst one of the Hostages. I wish i shouldn't have opened the door. They took us to a room having blood in every corner.There was a couple with them who left their 2yr child in the room.The couple was begging the bastards for sympathy and due to continuous requests they killed the MAN and asked the wife to shut.She was crying helplessly and just because of the disturbance they killed the Woman too. All the hostage present there were excessively terrified,and didn't made a single noise for the next 2hrs.

5:27 am- NSG commandos gathered the 1st floor and were now preceding to the 2nd.
As this news passed on to the LETHALS,they took a girl from the crowd ,using as a step to proceed to the next floors and unluckily they took my wife.They asked us to follow them and my love ,my life,was in their dirty hands.On the way to the next floor,we were gathered by the commandos. Three bastards were killed in the firing and 2 left,One holding my wife.The commandos started approaching both of them.Terrorists warned the commandos of coming near,but they didn't stopped.My WIFE was crying and I was shouting helplessly,BUT.........!!
After the last warning,the commando shooted.....!!!!!!!!!
The bullet went directly to my wife's stomach and in the firings the two lethals also were shot dead.
We all were taken down.I was holding my wife when she said me the sentences:

and she left her last breath!!!!
I Cried immensely but it was of no use now.I couldn't believe that i lost my everything in one second.I never thought i will celebrate my anniversary and wife's birthday next year all alone.
I told the NSG about the 2yr child and they gave him to his grandparents.

This is the life a single Man.There are hundreds like that.
Fight against terrorism.Make these love stories live.
Jai HIND..!!
This is a story Written By ME...!
A FICTION...!!!!